
Monday 14 December 2015

Last Blog Post for 2015

This year has been a great year, even though this year I have passed ups & downs this was a year to remember. One of the good things that have happened this year is that I have learnt lots in different aspects of learning. The down is that I will have to say good bye to all my year 6 friends as they go to intermediate.

Monday 23 November 2015

Passion Project Progress Day 1

Nov 23, 2015 12:17:29 PM.jpg
This is what I have made for my passion project today.
Two swans & a plane called Classic fighter.

Friday 16 October 2015

Sunsmart DLO

In our class we've been learning about sun smart & here is our DLO made by Myself, Sene & Saunoa.

Friday 25 September 2015

Term 3 Reflection

Here is what I think about Term 3 2015 & what I could improve.

I think that Term 3 was good for me is terms of getting work done.
One of the things I should work on is choosing friends wisely, because, it's changing my attitude towards others.
Besides that though, I am very excited for Term 4 not for just Christmas holidays but school & friends.
2015 is my second to last year at this school so I'm trying my best to change so I can leave a good impression behind.

Friday 18 September 2015

RWC (Rugby World Cup) DLO (Digital Learning Object)

We used random name picker to give all 31 of us (a few are away so maybe not 31) a country to follow for the RWC. I got South African's SpringBoks. Here is the DLO: LINK

Thursday 27 August 2015

How to be safe in the cloak-bays

Here is my video for being safe in the cloak bays/toilets. I made it with others named of: Myself, Jasman & Rachael. Click this Link. (By the way, I am the dog).

Friday 21 August 2015

Should Tristran: ...

I said: "Yes, because pictures can't hurt you, right?"

We performed a Conscience Alley, which is when we line up in to lines (yes or no) and then some one walks through the middle while listening to the lined up classmates advice.

The Veiwer (Shaun Tan): The restless Sleep...

We Have Been Using Shaun Tans Book, 'Tristram at the city Dump' as our inquiry/topic,
We took this phrase (as shown under me) from the book and renamed it. Sinead, my buddy helped me to take the picture.

Sorry I could not get my background music recording on this post.

Thursday 13 August 2015

My Blog Comment on Lyle's Remember Poem on Camp

Remember Poem: That Was Camp!

That Was Camp!

Remember when we were surfing and I stood up three times but only succeeded once for standing the whole run?
Remember the delicious food like the lamburgers, tacos, Ice cream, pudding, sausage sizzles and yummy macaroni and cheese?
That was Camp ...

Remember when we mountain biked along the side of long bay beach and went to the haunted house? Remember when we were doing archery and we heard that loads of people scored amazing bullseyes?
That was Camp...

Remember the beautiful view of the sunset stretching over the horizon of the beach?
Remember as we watched the water sparkled and shone, so clear as if the the streaked lines of white and silver were majestic fish.
That was camp...

Remember when we played the confusing, tricky, but bonding ABL games?
Do you remember when we were going to start our first night but no-one could go to sleep since they were hyped on how fun Camp was?
That was Camp!

Friday 31 July 2015

Maui and the Sun: Play Version

“It was dark, the sun had gone down.”
“Aue, The sun goes to fast. I can’t even see to eat my food! Brothers, Come!”
Maui’s brothers emerged from the darkness
“That sun, it goes to fast. We have no time to do our responsibilities. No time to get food, nor eat it. The days are too short, nights are too long.“
“HA! Do you really think we can slow the sun!”
“Yes I do, and yes we can”
So they made flax ropes while pronouncing a special blessing.
“They went far away to seek of hole the sun will arise from. They hid during the day so the sun wouldn't see them.“
“Finally we found it! Quick, Build a wall of dried clay!”
The ground trembled as the sun arose.
Despite all the shaking and trembling Maui and his brothers crouched still, like a iguana.
When the sun was in mid air Maui shouted,
The brothers threw the ropes over the sun and pulled as tightly as they could.
“Let me Go!!!”
Maui started to beat the sun with his father's jawbone while the sun shouted.
“Stop you’re killing me I’m almost dead, can’t you see?!”
“OK let him go, he won't run so fast across the sky any more…”
Then, the sun rose off quite beat up but, he now goes slow.
So now you see as the sun moves rather slowly across the sky and you can sometimes see the ropes hanging from him.
Now Maui's people have lots of time to fish, hunt and  eat their food.

Friday 3 July 2015

My Term 2 Reflection 2015

What have been your learning highlights this term?
I really liked P.E like Netball and Badminton. I also liked how we got to opt in to geometry workshops and choose what we do. Finally, I liked the new P.E equipment, for example the tennis nets because the old ones were ripped and saggy.

What were your Learner Profile goals for Term 2? Have your goals changed? Are you on track to meet your goals?
I think a few of my goals were to stay focused and on track with what I’m doing. My goals have changed quite a bit like from being kind to being focused (as above). I think my goals have worked me well since I’ve got alot of work done when I this goal.

If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about your learning so far?
Alright for a Year 5, Maybe get a bit more work done considering will be Year 6 soon.

As you look back at your learning so far, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?
Being focused and not talking to people and being distracted.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

My Blog Comment on Paerata school's Blog. (Individual Student Blog)

                                                        This is the Blog post on the Blog:
And here is my Comment:
                                             I am a part of a quad-blogging unit. Quad-blogging is when four schools ( or                                                class rooms that have computers) join up to comment on each others blog

Friday 5 June 2015

Edited and Formal Version of My Report on Stars

My Information Report Success Criteria:
My heading/title:

  • is an interesting title (I might have[;l.ok.; phrased the title as a question.)

My opening paragraph/introduction:

  • says what my report is about in a clear way

  • gives a general “classification” – and maybe a technical classification

  • outlines the main features of the subject

My main paragraphs/body paragraphs:

  • have clear topic sentences  (topic and main point)

  • are organised so that each paragraph is about a different aspect of the subject

  • give detailed information (factual descriptions)

  • include specific, technical vocabulary

  • are generally balanced (have a similar amount of detail about the different aspects I write about)

  • may have helpful: tables, pictures and/or diagrams to add information

My end paragraph/conclusion:

  • draws the report together/sums up my main points

  • may give a personal opinion; ask the reader a question and/or tell the reader where further information may be found

Begin Writing Here:

Facts About Stars!

I will be writing a report of the different appearance, temperatures
and the life cycle of a star which is a hot ball of plasma.

The Life-Cycle of a Star
Gravitational forces pull a cloud of nebular together and the cloud spins into a disc shape. It spins for a few years as it gets faster and faster and faster until it forms a bright light in the middle, this is called a prototype star. As it continues to spin, suddenly a big bang with a blinding light occurs and there is a star. The life of a star is not very nice though, the gravitational forces that pulled it together will start to crush it, but the star burns helium (until it runs out that is) which creates the stage called the main sequence. The star burns helium to expand itself and fight against the gravity to equalise the pressure.

Types of Stars
The stars defy the laws of colour (just like fire). Red you would think is HOT, no it is the coolest type star, then there is yellow: medium, then green: hottish and last but not least blue the hottest. There are a few other complicated ones like E.g Yellow Gv2 Dwarf. Now the stages first type main sequence which is in the paragraph above, then giant super-giant which is when the have been around for a long time and has grown big, then dwarfs when the are running out of helium and are shrinking then finally a dead cold black ball.

There is (listed in heat) Red, Yellow, Green and Blue stars. Here is a fact you probably wouldn't know: Did you know that stars do not twinkle? Stars appear as small dots in the sky that twinkle, but they only look as if they twinkle is that while the light travels through the layers of our atmosphere and there are small pockets of air that mess up the straight line of light so your eyes interpret this as twinkling.


So now we know what it is like being a star and the different stages and types. Here is a fun fact: There are over 500 billion stars which leaves over 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies, including our galaxy the Milky Way.

Thursday 4 June 2015

4/05/15 NR Speed-Write: My Report on Stars.

My Information Report Success Criteria:
My heading/title:

  • is an interesting title (I might have[;l.ok.; phrased the title as a question.)

My opening paragraph/introduction:

  • says what my report is about in a clear way

  • gives a general “classification” – and maybe a technical classification

  • outlines the main features of the subject

My main paragraphs/body paragraphs:

  • have clear topic sentences  (topic and main point)

  • are organised so that each paragraph is about a different aspect of the subject

  • give detailed information (factual descriptions)

  • include specific, technical vocabulary

  • are generally balanced (have a similar amount of detail about the different aspects I write about)

  • may have helpful: tables, pictures and/or diagrams to add information

My end paragraph/conclusion:

  • draws the report together/sums up my main points

  • may give a personal opinion; ask the reader a question and/or tell the reader where further information may be found

Begin Writing Here:

Facts About Stars!

I will be writing a report of the different appearance, temperatures
and the life cycle of a star which is a hot ball of plasma.

The Life-Cycle of a Star
Gravitational forces pull a cloud of nebular together and the cloud spins into a disc shape. It spins for a few years as it gets faster and faster and faster until it forms a bright light in the middle, this is called a prototype star. As it continues to spin, suddenly a big bang with a blinding light occurs and there is a star. The life of a star is not very nice though, the gravitational forces that pulled it together will start to crush it, but the star burns helium (until it runs out that is) which creates the stage called the main sequence. The star burns helium to expand itself and fight against the gravity to equalise the pressure.

Types of Stars
The stars defy the laws of colour (just like fire). Red you would think is HOT, no it is the coolest type star, then there is yellow: medium, then green: hottish and last but not least blue the hottest. There are a few other complicated ones like E.g Yellow Gv2 Dwarf. Now the stages first type main sequence which is in the paragraph above, then giant super-giant which is when the have been around for a long time and has grown big, then dwarfs when the are running out of helium and are shrinking then finally a dead cold black ball.

There is (listed in heat) Red, Yellow, Green and Blue stars. Here is a fact you probably wouldn't know: Did you know that stars don’t twinkle? Stars appear as small dots in the sky that twinkle, but they only look as if they twinkle is that while the light travels through the layers of our atmosphere and there are small pockets of air that mess up the straight line of light so your eyes interpret this as twinkling.

So now we know what it is like being a star and the different stages and types. Here is a fun fact: There are over 500 billion stars which leaves over 400 galaxies including our galaxy the Milky Way.