
Thursday 21 May 2015

My Word Cloud about the Planet Mars and writing

There is a planet out there in space called mars it is named after a roman god of war. Mars is  since it is the 4th closest to the sun. Have you ever wondered if people could live on mars or what mars has that has been discovered?

Mars is called or nicknamed “The Red Planet” because of it’s distinctive reddish orange colour. If you are wondering, “Why does Mars have different shades of red?” then the reason is that meteoroids and asteroids crash into Mars and create craters so the surface is uneven  and creates shadows which makes the shades you can see from a distance. Also Mars has the most tallest mountain in our solar system, it is called “Olympus mons”. So Mars is sometimes called the red planet instead of Mars.

Could Humans live on Mars?
If you are wondering if you could live on mars we’ll the answer is no. One of the reasons is that mars has a thin atmosphere, which means that there is not have enough oxygen for humans to breathe. Also, Mars has no magnetic field, which leads to lots of sun light shining onto the planet’s surface, which increases the chances of getting skin cancer. Furthermore, there are dust storms that last for months and months. You won’t want to be caught in one of those, you would have to clean, and clean, and clean, it wouldn't be very nice. Since these dust storms destroy everything in its path you will get destroyed too. Therefore, humans can not live on Mars due to these problems.

The last paragrapgh “could humans live on mars” it says you can’t live there, so they used a robot called the “Mars Rover” that is how they study mars, for more information you should check out the following link: File:Mars rover msrds

My Information Report Success Criteria:
My heading:

  • is an interesting title (I might have phrased the title as a question.)

My opening paragraph:

  • says what my report is about in a clear way

  • gives a general “classification” – and maybe a technical classification

  • outlines the main features of the subject

My main paragraphs:

  • have sub-headings where helpful

  • have clear topic sentences  (topic and main point)

  • are organised so that each paragraph is about a different aspect of the subject

  • give detailed information (factual descriptions)

  • include specific, technical vocabulary

  • are generally balanced (have a similar amount of detail about the different aspects I write about)

  • may have helpful: tables, pictures and/or diagrams to add information

My end paragraph:

  • draws the report together/sums up my main points

  • may give a personal opinion; ask the reader a question and/or tell the reader where further information may be found


  1. Namaste Nikolai,
    Thank you for sharing your writing here! You have included some interesting facts about Mars.

    In terms of your writing, your next steps are:
    1) Writing a clear conclusion (listen to the feedback from our learning conversation Nikolai)
    2) Writing more! You need to focus on the task in front of you :)

  2. Thank you for my feedback Mrs Kingston, to act on my feedback I will sit away from anyone who is tempting to talk to for writing more, and I will listen to the conversation.



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